måndag 19 oktober 2009

One down...

... two to go.
Sat up until 2 am in order to finish the grey scales on the class fanzine comic, which is the same as my long vampire comic which is still lacking a titel. Insurrection has been suggested so I guess I'll have to see if it sticks.

Hopefully I'll be able to flirt a bit with the fanzine group in order to get the theme for the next fanzine (due in December) to be something which allows me to continue the comic. I'll probably mainly work on the Space 1889 fanzine in November though, so if it's not for the class fanzine the continuation for this comic will have to wait for a while.

torsdag 8 oktober 2009


I've been working on the coloring on and off since July, but the monster is finally done. Just because I say that, I'm sure I'll discover several mistakes in just a few days...

It will with all probability be the cover of a Space 1889 fanzine... which I can start working on more seriously in November...

lördag 3 oktober 2009

Comics online

After hesitating for a long while I've gotten started on Smack Jeeves, and have started to publish The Queen and the Soldier, which appeared in the Think Ink fanzine Welcome to Wonderland.

The second class fanzine is on its way, which of course means that I'm suddenly working on six projects rather than five. Three of which practically have the same deadline. Oh well... I've inked the first eight pages as well as the back and cover on one, and can see the end approaching in the distance as far as sketching goes on the other one, so I'm sure it's possible. It's mainly a lack of ideas to the class fanzine which irks me. "Party" isn't really a theme that inspires, but I'm sure it will work out...